Certified Welding Inspector Training, AWS-CWI Certification Seminar in Delhi
Eurotech is pleased to announce that it will be sponsoring a AWS CWI Certified Welding Inspector Seminar and Examination. American Welding Society have engaged Eurotech to provide an 48-hour course over a one-week period to prepare students for taking the AWS CWI/CWE test after the training.
The seminar and examination will be held in New Delhi India.
AWS-CWI Certification is one of the industry’s most reputed Stamps of approval. Industry professional who qualify for CWI and SCWI are highly regarded and sought after throughout the welding and QA/QC industry, because certification adheres to a highly documented level of skill and capability
AWS-CWI course will serve as a sound refresher in welding inspection, particularly for practising welding inspectors, Welding Engineers, welding supervisors, welding manager, welding fabrication, and anyone aspiring to be an AWS-CWI (Certified Welding Inspector). The main emphasis is on what a professional welding inspector should know in actual practice.AWS CWI Course participants will undergo a rigorous programme to get them well versed with the codes or standards in use, the fundamentals of welding inspectors, and actual hands-on examinations of weld replicas with various inspection tools.
Eligibility CWI Certified Welding Inspector Exam/Seminar:
Minimum of 5 year industry experience or Minimum of 3 year industry experience with degree/diploma holders in engineering, technology, engineering physics or physical science
- Associate or higher degree in engineering technology, engineering, or a physical science 3 years
- High school diploma plus two or more years engineering/technical school courses 3 years
- High school diploma plus one year engineering/technical school courses or one or more years of vocational education and training in a welding curriculum 4 years
- High school diploma or approved high school equivalency diploma 5 years
- At least 8th grade 9 years
- Less than 8th grade 12 years
Certified Welding Inspector Exam Pattern:
- Part A – Fundamentals 150 2 hours 72% Close Book
- Part B – Practical 46 2 hours 72% Close Book
- Part C – Code Book 60 2 hours 72% Open Book
AWS CWI Seminar Description:
Welding Inspection Technology Workshop - 3 DAYS
Helps prepare you for the CWI/CWE Exam (Part A) The Welding Inspection Technology Workshop is packed with information on nondestructive examination methods applicable to common welding processes. It will assist welding inspectors and welding educators with knowledge of welding and inspection fundamentals useful on the jobsite. In addition, this seminar will prepare examination candidates for Part A (Fundamentals) of the CWI examination.
Visual Inspection Workshop( 1.5 Day)
Helps prepare you for the CWI/CWE Exam (Part B) This workshop provides hands-on training in the use of weld measurement tools and plastic weld replicas to determine the sizes of various weld discontinuities. Students will compare what they find to the criteria in a sample codebook to determine the acceptability or rejection criteria of the sample weldments. The workshop also includes a sample practical examination to prepare test candidates for Part B (Practical Applications) of the CWI examination. By attending this workshop, you can learn: Use of inspection tools. How to ensure compliance with the applicable code. Do’s and don’ts of documentation. When a discontinuity is acceptable. When a discontinuity can be rejected. Why visual inspection can be the most effective NDE technique.
API 1104 Code Clinic( 1.5 DAY)
Helps prepare you for the CWI Exam (Part C) if you are testing to API 1104 This four-hour course covers general provisions of API 1104, including qualification of welding procedures for welds containing filler-metal additions, design and preparation of the joint for production welding, nondestructive testing and acceptance standards, and automatic welding with and without filler-metal additions. Candidates will be given the Course material for training before the workshop and are supposed to come with a thorough reading in the class.
Benefits of AWS CWI Exam:
- Official Course for AWS CWI Certification
- 6 Days Intensive Training
- Includes Basic NDT Techniques and Welding Techniques
- Results in Deeper Understanding of Welding Quality
AWS CWI Seminar Location: Country: India City: New Delhi
Who Should Attend CWI Certified Welding Inspector Course?
All personnel whose responsibilities are in making decision, exercising of judgment concerning welding operations in the following industries. Like Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Petrochemical, Power Generation and Power Stations, Ship Building/Ship Repair and Construction, Offshore Fabrication, Railways, Service and Maintenance and Metal Fabrication.
The renewal process is part of your continued certification according to QC1:2007.The validity of the certification is 3 years and Certified Welding Inspectors can renew their status by applying in the prescribed application format before the expiration date of the certification.
If the renewals are not applied before expiration, the candidates lose their CWI Certified Welding Inspector status and will have to reappear for fresh certification.
Contact us for the renewals of your AWS-CWI, SCWI certifications well before 8-weeks of expiration.
Please Contact Puneet Sharma via phone: +91-8196980555 or by email at aws.cwi.training@gmail.com to reserve your place early and to be issued a CWI application.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Attend AWS CWI Seminar, Please fill out the Enquiry Form: