What is the difference between AWS CWI and CSWIP?

A1-01If you are in a welding career and want to get above certificate, it’s quite usual that an aspirant is in a dilemma over which program to select. They are more confused to think that which one have more value? Identify all these queries which often come up in welder or engineer’s mind here we try to provide information about both courses.
Both certification are completely based on welding and successful candidate can find better opportunities in construction, railroads, manufacturing, in service, repairing and other related sector.

About AWS and TWI

The American Welding Society (AWS) is a non-profit organization located in USA and one of the most admirable company in welding industries. The AWS code is very well-known for welders and engineers. Their code is also adopted by ANSI. They have more than 70,000 members and 250 section worldwide.
TWI Certification Ltd is UK based and deal with different type of certificate but the most well-known for certification of personnel. One of is Certification Scheme for Welding and Inspection Personnel (CSWIP). They are also work for WFCS 3834, CAESAS 1090 and CWRVC 15085.

Subjects of CWI & CSWIP

Student have to prove his/her ability in the Visual Welding Inspector syllabus  and knowledge of materials, safety, Duty and responsibility, Welding processes, Welding symbols and drawing, Welding procedures, Destructive tests, NDT, Weld defects, Distortion and Reporting etc.
Candidates will need to demonstrate knowledge of the Visual Welding Inspector syllabus  and knowledge of materials, welding processes, Welding procedures and welder approvals and their control, Destructive tests (Tensile, Hardness, Bend test, Macro and Micro etc.), Non-destructive testing(RT,UT, MT, PT, VT etc.), Different type of Weld defects, Distortion and Reporting etc.

A1-03Papers & Pass out Criteria of CWI & CSWIP

For pass out AWS – CWI exam you have to clear 3 different papers. The first one is welding theory which have 150 multiple option question. This is close book exam and you should not take any book or specification with you in exam hole. You should get more than 108 (Pass out criteria is ≥ 72 %) right answer to clear this exam. Time is given 2 hour.
The second paper is Code book. You can choose different type of codes that is allow in “Book of specification” API 1104 is most popular code for that but you can choose other code if you are more familiar and comfortable with standard. This is open book exam and you are allow to take code book with you when sit in exam but restricted to write anything in code book, however you can do marking, highlight or make index in book. You were asked 60 multiple option question and you have to get more than 44 (Pass out criteria is ≥ 72 %) right answer to clear this paper. Time is given 2 hour.
The third paper is practical. AWS provide a code “Book of specification” to use in exam. You should asked about WPS PQR WQR and material grade. Moreover you have asked some NDT, Heat treatment and specimen to measure and inspect. For clear this paper you have to get 34 (Pass out criteria is ≥ 72 %) right answer from 46 multiple option question. Time is given 2 hour.
For pass out CSWIP 3.1 exam you have to clear 5 different papers. The first two are welding theory. Theory Part A2 is about General Welding Theory, Product Technology and NDT. You will have 30 multiple choice questions. Time allowed 45 minutes. You should get minimum 21 (Pass out criteria is ≥ 70 %) right answer to clear this exam.  Theory Part B2 is about Specific Welding Technology. You will have 60 multiple choice questions. Time allowed 1hr 30 mins. You should get minimum 42 (Pass out criteria is ≥ 70 %) right answer to clear this exam.
The other 3 part are for practical. Practical Part A2 is for Inspection of a plate butt weld to a code provided by the Test Centre. You have Time to 1hr and 15 min. Practical Part B2 is for Inspection of a pipe butt weld to a code provided by the Test Centre. For this you have 1hr 30 min. time. Practical Part C2 is for Inspection of a set of destructive test samples to a code provided by the Test Centre (mostly two bends or two fractures and two macro). For this time is allowed 45 min.  Pass mark for all parts is minimum 70%.

Eligibility Criteria of CWI & CSWIP

You must fulfil the requirement of qualification and experience criteria for examination eligibility. For more information you should visit its website.


Content and objective wise there is not much difference but AWS CWI is demanded in American base company while CSWIP is asked in European based company. You have to be doubly sure of taking the certificates that which one give you more benefit.
If you are working in a company where American standards are more familiar (like ASME, ASTM, ANSI) and you are instructed to follow them than AWS CWI is right choice for you.A1-05
While choosing the institution, its advice that, you should look for the location and your suitability because you have to spend 6-7 days for training and exam. Most of institute are located in south India. In north India you find institute like Eurotech that provide service in Gujarat, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai. You can found training calendar on www.eurotechworld.net/weldingtraining.
Once you pass out the AWS CWI exam you can also registered to www.jobs4welding.com for Job opportunities in part time or full time welding work.
So if you are looking for better opportunity, knowledge, or success in the world of welding field join AWS CWI or welding training programme. For more information you can call or mail on bellow address.
Mr Chirag - +91 97237 66248  | Email: c.khatri@eurotechworld.net

For More Information you can Submit Your Enquiry Here


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  3. Nice and great article...
    AWS welding certification is a program that was created by the American Welding Society in order to certify welders who are able to work with a variety of metals and welding processes.
