Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Piping Interview Questions related to Materials: -

Questions related to Materials: -

1. Q:-What is the ASTM code for the following?

  1. Pipes :-
  2. Carbon Steel II. Alloy Steel III. Stainless Steel IV. Nickel Steel.
  3. Tubes: -
  4. Carbon Steel II. Alloy Steel III. Stainless Steel IV. Nickel Steel.
  5. Wrought Iron Fittings: -
  6. Carbon Steel II. Alloy Steel III. Stainless Steel IV. Nickel Steel.
  7. Forged Fittings: -
  8. Carbon Steel II. Alloy Steel III. Stainless Steel IV. Nickel Steel.
  9. Cast Fittings: -
  10. Carbon Steel II. Alloy Steel III. Stainless Steel IV. Nickel Steel.
  11. Plates: -
  12. Carbon Steel II. Alloy Steel III. Stainless Steel IV. Nickel Steel.

Answer: -

  1. Pipes:-
  2. Carbon Steel : - ASTM A53 Gr. A/B, ASTM A106 Gr. A/B/C, ASTM A333 Gr.1/Gr.6
  3. Alloy Steel :- ASTM A335 Gr.P1/P2/P5/P7/P9/P11/P12/P22.
III. Stainless Steel :- ASTM A312TP304/TP304L/TP304H/TP308/TP310/TP316/TP316L/
  1. Nickel Steel :- ASTM A333Gr.3/ Gr.8.

  1. Tubes:-
  2. Carbon Steel :- ASTM A178/179/192, ASTM A334 Gr.1/6.
  3. Alloy Steel :- ASTM A161T1, ASTM A213T1/T2/T5/T7/T9/T11/T12/T22.
III. Stainless Steel :- ASTM A213 TP304/TP304L/TP304H/TP310/TP316/TP316L/TP316H/
ASTM A608 HK40.
  1. Nickel Steel :- ASTM A334Gr.3/Gr.8
  2. Wrought Iron fittings :-
  3. Carbon Steel :- ASTM A234Gr.WPA/B, ASTM A420 Gr.WPL6.
  4. Alloy Steel :- ASTM A234 WP1/WP5/WP7/WP9/WP11/WP12/WP22.
III. Stainless Steel :- ASTM A403 WP304/WP304L/WP304H/WP309/WP310/WP316/
WP316L/WP316H/ WP317/WP321/WP321H/WP347/WP347H/
  1. Nickel Steel :- ASTM A420WPL6/WPL8.
  2. Forged Fittings : -
  3. Carbon Steel :- ASTM A181. ASTM A105, ASTM A350 LF1/2.
  4. Alloy Steel :- ASTM A182F1/F2/F5/F7/F9/F11/F12/F22.
III. Stainless Steel :- 

ASTM A182F6/F304/F304L/F304H/F310/F316/F316L/F316H/F321/
  1. Nickel Steel :- ASTM A350 LF3, ASTM A522.
  2. Cast Fittings: -
  3. Carbon Steel :- ASTM A216, ASTM A352 LCB/C.
  4. Alloy Steel :- ASTM A217 WC1/WC6/WC9/C5/C12.
III. Stainless Steel :- ASTM A217 CA15, ASTM A296 CA15, ASTM A351 CF8/CF3/CH20/ CK20/CF 8M/CF 3M/CF 8C/HK40.
  1. Nickel Steel :- ASTM A352LC3.
  2. Plates: -
  3. Carbon Steel :- ASTM A285, ASTM A515, ASTM A516.
  4. Alloy Steel :- ASTM A387 Gr.2/Gr.5/Gr.7/Gr.9/Gr.11/Gr.12/Gr.22.
III. Stainless Steel :- ASTM A240 TP410/TP405/TP430/TP304/TP304L/TP309/TP310S/
  1. Nickel Steel :- ASTM A203 Gr.D/Gr.E, ASTM A353.

2. Q:-What is the basic difference between Pipe specification A106 Gr.A / Gr.B/ Gr.C.?

Answer: -

Difference is due to the Carbon content.
% of carbon content in : -
  1. ASTM A106 Gr. A – 0.25 %
  2. ASTM A106 Gr. B – 0.30 %
II ASTM A106 Gr. C – 0.35 %.

3. Q:-What is the difference between pipe specification ASTM A312 TP 304 & ASTM A312 TP304L, ASTM A312 TP 316 & ASTM A312 TP 316L?

Answer: -

Difference is due to the Carbon content. The Letter “L” denotes lower percentage of carbon.
% of carbon content in : -
  1. ASTM A312 TP 304 - 0.08 %
  2. ASTM A312 TP 304L- 0.035%
III. ASTM A312 TP 316 - 0.08 %
  1. ASTM A312 TP 316L- 0.035%

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